Monday, February 28, 2011

Providing Support and Hope

 Hi everyone! Hope everyone is doing well! I heard everyone back home got hit with sorry to hear that! Hang in there! Spring will be upon us soon:) Just writing to inform you all of some exciting news! This past week I decided to help a organization called "One Heart Bulgaria." which is a non-profit humanitarian organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for Bulgarian orphans. For those of you who do not know already, I was an orphan in Bulgaria for about five years before being adopted by an amazing hardworking family! Something I will never forget! They are my heroes! 

The reason why I am telling you all of this is because this organization that I will be working with could possibly have the power to reunite me with one of my caretakers from Bulgaria. How incredible would that be!? This was amazing news to receive and I was so excited to inform my family of it. I guess miracles do happen when you least expect it! Amazing things are happing here in D.C.!

I am looking forward to being a part of this amazing organization! I want to give these orphans of Bulgaria hope and the second chance at life! I will do this! That is a promise! 

Isabela S. Kobs

Friday, February 11, 2011

3rd Week

Hi everyone! So I know I said that I was going to keep this up every day...well...I lied. Things have been so crazy and I have been occupied with work and classes. So sorry! Anyways, work is getting better! I am starting to get a feel for things at the Department of Justice (Interpol). My work load is picking up and I am beginning to enjoy it more and more each and every day! My class work is beginning to pick up as well so my stress levels have increased greatly but I am making sure that I am still taking care of myself by eating right and working out.

I wish I had more exciting news to relay to you all. A lot of my exciting news comes from my job and of course I can't talk about it! ugh! I sure hope everyone back at Saint Mary's is doing well! Missing everyone as always. Will be home in no time!

This week I also had the chance to catch up with a few professors and friends from back home: Thank you for the calls, Professor Robeson, Dr. Klosky, Dr. Fox, Donny Nelson, Jackie Baker, and Lisa Jonsgaard. It was great to hear from them all!

Soon I am sure I will have exciting news to tell especially once I begin to explore D.C. again! I sure am hoping my family can visit still...missing them like crazy! My family surprised me with a Valentine's package this week and it almost made me tear up! They sure know me well!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! My weekend will be spent running and doing homework. Love you all!! Oh, and the Packers are WORLD CHAMPS!!! Still can't get over it!

Isabela S. Kobs

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Hi everyone! Just wanted you all to know that the PACKERS ARE WORLD CHAMPS! What a night and what a season! Definitely a memorable night and one I will always remember! I guess you can also say that tonight was somewhat of a lonely night. I watched the Packer game by myself which was fine with me considering that there were hardly any Packer fans around. But what made it all better was the varies calls and texts I received from family, friends, and professors. Even the non Packer fans provided me with support and love tonight.

I found myself to be pretty emotional tonight and it wasn't just because of the Packers. I realized tonight just how lucky I really am. I have the greatest family and friends in the world. Did't realize how much I was missing everyone until tonight. You all are my inspiration and strength. Thank you for all of your love and support throughout the years! Will be home in no time!

This week is going to be another busy week for me. I beginning my second week with Interpol. I am hoping this week goes smoother. I expect it will considering I have new motivation! I will make sure I write more often now that I am finally getting settled here in D.C.

Have a great week everyone!

Isabela S. Kobs

Friday, February 4, 2011

1st Week

Hi everyone! It has been awhile since I have written to you all and I do apologize. As you all know I have finally started working at Interpol and this is mainly the reason why I have not been able to write to you all. Work has occupied most of my time and so has my courses but I am making time for myself and my running despite my crazy work schedule.

Working at Interpol has worn me out to the bitter core. The reality of the working world has finally set in! I am enjoying my work despite the stress and long hours though. I would love to tell you all about it but due to government policies I am unable to do so. 

I wish I had more to say but right now my life consists of work, meetings, and classes. My work and courses will consume much of my weekend time. I will be working tonight and tomorrow so I can take time off on Sunday to watch my Packer play some football! I am pretty sure this is what my weekends are going to consist of until I get a better feel for my job and the work I am doing on the side. But I will manage. I have been taught well.

Wishing everyone a great weekend and GO PACK GO!

Isabela S. Kobs